Philippe Alves do Nascimento (OAB/SP – 309.369) was born on September 21, 1987 in São Paulo. He has a law degree from the Law School of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2010), a specialization (postgraduate) degree on Economic Criminal Law from the São Paulo Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV Direito SP) (2013), and attended an executive education course of studies on “Corporate Governance and Compliance” at Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa – INSPER (2014) and specialization in Criminal Law – Update on Criminal System: Transnationals Crimes and Corruption at Salamanca University, Spain (2014). Has obtained his Master of Law degree (LL.M) in Criminal Law from the São Paulo University Law School (2019); and is conducting his Doctor of Law degree (Ph.D.) in Criminal Law at São Paulo University Law School (2019-2021). Member of the Strategic Litigation Group at the Defense Law Institute (Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa – IDDD), member of the Compliance Committee at the Brazilian Institute of Studies of Competition, Consumer Affairs and International Trade (Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos de Concorrência, Consumo e Comércio Internacional – IBRAC) and member of the Anti-corruption Comittee at the American Bar Association – ABA.